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Jane's Database


Monday, February 3, 2014

rules of self management and team management

self management
1) work hard
-make sure work is done, done well and done on time
-make list delegate, seek help, stay up late, get up early, get up earlier
-learn to be ruthlessly efficient and organised
2) set standard
-arrive not only on time but early
-do work well and on time
-behave like a decent, honest, civilized human
-be what you want to see in them
-feel, think and be
3) enjoy yourself
-no one knows what is going on inside our head, just so long as the exterior is what they want, inside can be whatever we want
4) don't let it get to you
-its only a job when all is said and done, don't get stressed about it
-put things into context,go home and switch off.
5) *know what we're actually doing, not what you're suppose to be doing
-know who we are, where we are going and have plans
-collect information, use it profitably 
-work hard to do a good job and stay ahead
6) *value our time
-know what our time is worth and keep it in mind all the time
-remember to check if what we're doing is a valuable use of our time. cut it out if it's not.
-prioritize those with greater return on investment
-low return on investment: procrastinating, waiting around, doing pointless stuff, chatting
7) *be proactive, not reactive
-put aside 30minutes a week planning (can combine with other task)
-be a shark, keep moving forward. if we don't, there'll be plenty of others willing to do so.
8) *be consistent
- people need to know what to expect from us.
-be blameless, honest, reliable, and dependable
-be exciting, dynamic, stylish, adventurous, challenging
-if we treat people courteously, until one day we shout at everyone, they won't trust us anymore.
9) set realistic targets for ourselves
-have goals, objectives and bottom lines
-never measure yourself against anyone else
-measure by comparing how i was doing last year
-loot at anyone and chances are there will be something to envy, but you don't know what goes on inside them.
-walk a mile in someone else's shoes, they say, and the chance are you'll be a mile away; but you've got their shoes, make a run for it.
10) have a game plan , keep it secret
-know what we're actually doing, where we want to be and where we intend being
-keep to ourselves, to protect dreams, hopes and aspirations.(we don't want anyone to dampen our fireworks)
-be confident to walk our way
11) get rid of superfluous rules
-question everything, make it quicker,  by getting rid anything that's unnecessary
- why do we do this? why do we do it like this?
12) learn from mistakes
-analyse what went wrong, discuss why went wrong,make plans to prevent it from going wrong again
-never stand still and never think we know it all
-have trusted people to ask, and good reference books to hand as guide
-mistakes teach us where we went wrong and how to fix it
-we all make mistakes-admit, learn and move on.
13) be ready to unlearn (what works and changes)
-the winning formula, suddenly doesn't work anymore
-be aware, be ready, be prepared to adapt quickly
-stay abreast (ikut perkembangan) of latest innovations, new technology, new terminology/term, new methodology/method, changes in sales, market trends, target, budgets.
-good management is about adapting to change rapidly and skilfully , if we don't we go the way of the dinosaurs.
-unlearn old ways, adopt new ones.
-alert to changes, it could be us that have changed (unknowingly and unconsciously)
14) *cut the crap (prioritize)
-we work for the shareholders and profit and to make money
-if we're making figures, good. if we're not, clear our desk out.
eg: 'does this contribute towards the profits i'm making, or not?'. if it does, keep right on doing it. if it doesn't chuck it out.
-no money, no business. no business, no job, not mortgage, car, bread on the table and holidays.
-cut the crap, dedicate to one thing and one thing only - the bottom line.
15) cultivate those in the know
- we have to get to know those around, those who need to be known
-become one of those around, become one of those in the know
-people in the know like to collect people they also know and therefore can trust
16) know when to kick the door shut
-it is necessary physically and psychologically to create a barrier
-be chummy, but it's essential that you are actually the boss
-do it a few times and the team will get the msg
-kick the door shut, get on with work, let them know we don't want to be disturbed
17) fill our tie productively and profitably
18) *have Plan B and Plan C
19) capitalize on chance ( be lucky, but never admit it)
20) recognize when we're stressed
21) manage our health
22) be prepared for the pain and pleasure
23) *face the future
24) *head up, not head down
25) see the wood and the trees
26) *know when to let go
27) be decisive, even if it means being wrong sometimes
28) adopt minimalism as a management style
29) visualize our blue plaque
30) *have principles and stick to them
31) follow our intuition
32) be creative
33) don't stagnate
34) *be flexible and ready to move on
35) remember the object of exercise
36) remember that none of us has to be here
37) go home
38) *keep learning (especially from the opposition)
39) *be passionate and bold
40) *plan for the worst, but hope for the best
41) let the company see you're on it's side
42) don't bad-mouth our boss
43) dont bad-mouth our team
44) accept that some things bosses tell us to do will be wrong
45) accept that bosses are as scared as we are at times
46) avoid strait jacket thinking
47) act and talk as if one of them
48) if in doubt, ask questions
49) show you understand the viewpoint of underlings and overlings
50) add value
51) don't back down (be prepared to stand your ground)
52) don't play politics
53) don't slag off other managers
54) *share what we know
55) don't intimidate
56) be above interdepartmental warfare
57) show that you'll fight to the death for your team
58) *aim for respect rather than being liked
59) do one or two things well and avoid the rest
60) seek feedback on our performances
61) maintain good relationship and friendship
62) build respect (both ways, between you and your customer)
63) go the extra mile for customers
64) be aware of our responsibilities
65) be straight at all times and speak the truth
66) don't cut corners (you'll get found out)
67) find the right sounding board
68) be in command and take charge
69) be a diplomat for the company

1) he no longer belong to my journey. A journey which includes him belongs to a journey with failures.

team management
1)get them emotionally involved
2) know what a team is and how it works
3) set realistics targets
4) hold effective meetings
6) make your team better than you
7)know your own importance
8) set your boundaries
9) be ready to prune
10) offload as much as you can
11) let them make mistakes
12) accept tgeur limitations
13) encourage people
14) find the right people
15) hire raw talent
16) take the rap
17) give credit to the team wheni t deserves it
18) get the best resources for your team
19) celebrate
20) keep track of everything you do and say
21) be sensitive to friction
22) create a good atmosphere
23) inspire loyalty and team spirit
24) have and show trust in your stuff
25) respect individual difference
26) listen to ideas from others
27) adapt your style to each team member
28) let them think they know more than you (even if they don't)
29) don't always have to have the last word
30) understand the roles of others
31) ensure people know exactly what is expected of them
32) have clear expectations
33) use positive reinforcement motivation
34) don't try to justify stupid system
35) be ready to say yes
36) train them to bring you solutions, not problems

*subjected to amendment
source:  The rules of management, second ed, richard templar,

tuesday, 02/04/2014

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